Sometimes, one can really experience the love at the first sight. It has just happened to me – yes, with my favorite HDR software – the Photomatix. What are the first impression? What would be the results of Photomatix PRO 5.0 review? To put it simple, I really love the latest version 5.0, as it […]
There are countless rules of photography that beginners would sooner or later come across. But what are the most important of “pilars” of photography basics which all the great photographers keep (often unconsciously)? Here is my list, compiled over more than 20 years. 1. Photos must be like paintings Don´t worry – I am not […]
I fell in love with Libya in 2013 – on a training mission for local NGOs, I spent 10 fantastic days in this country on crossroad… Fingers crossed, Libya! And I hope I will come back soon!
Tempted by magic of black and white photography? Let me just tell you this: before you start experimenting do remember the simple most important rule: black & white photos never get created just but removing colors from an ordinary color picture. Just before we start, let me warn you: black & white charm can be […]
I guess you know the story: you like spending a good deal of time playing around with settings of your „real“ camera. Yet when you face the adventure of taking photos with you cell phone, you just ignore it completely. Maybe, you even did not notice that you smartphone camera have some functions that can […]
I had a quite unique opportunity to visit Guantanamo Bay –as a reporter, not a photographer. I was still able to make a couple of pictures (which were cleared by US military). Perhaps the toughest topic I ever reported…