This was really a long story – and I finally won today. The verdict? The culprit is very surprising: my favorite Chrome extension MeasureIt.

After weeks of desperately trying to get rid of a very annoying malware called Superfish, Super Shopping, etc, showing “visual search results” of stuff you definitely did not want, the epic quest ended. And it is, in a way, very sad ending – I loved MeasureIt, I was a great tool to measure on-line pixel sizes of photos, banners etc.
But yes, no doubt, the lovely little thing has smuggle a virus (or malware, to be more precise) which was adding “super shopping” offers of to big websites like of (See the pictures – and perhaps you should check if you are not infected as well).
I was really very angry and very nervous, since I hate my computers being “under attack” constantly. I have no intention of listing all the steps I did over last 3 months, I would be a very long list.
1. I checked many great articles about it, such as:
Remove Super Back-up Ads (Virus Removal Guide)
How to Completely Remove Super Shopping?

2. I did all the necessary steps: I erased all suspicious programs from my computers (see the listed articles for advice how to do it)
3. I tested some new great antimalware software such as MalwareBytes, HitMan Pro and so on…
4. I checked perhaps hundred times all my extensions, but all together I use perhaps 10 of them so I did not believe any of them could be it. Surprisingly, I found out one of my favorites was names as possible culprit: Awesome Screenshot. But removing of it did not help. Finally, I removed MeasureIt. And suddenly, the victory came…
Conclusion? I just really do not get why a great thing like this must be infected with virus? And, which is perhaps more striking, why Google allows this software to be listed in its official Chrome Store?
Good luck!
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